Handbook Page 10


Bench Marker

We've designed the bench marker to mark round pieces by rolling them across the stencil. The bench marker plugs directly into the power unit, and the stencil is placed on the pad that fits in an electrolyte reservoir. Thus, the electrolyte is drawn into the pad thru wicking action.

You can also use the bench marker to position marks accurately. A thick plastic piece, into which you cut or drill the proper locating holes, is held rigidly over the stencil. This insures that each part will have the same response to the stencil. For faster, more reliable speeds of production where location is essential, consider our automatic power metal marking machines.

A possible downside of rolling a part is that it may cause fuzzy marks, particularly on small parts. Thus, the pressure of a contour block is advisable if you need sharp impressions. In general, a lack of pressure or too much voltage will cause fuzzy marks.

Questions or to place an order, call us at 1.800.775.3824 or email at info@img-electromark.com

State of the Mark